Kundli is an astrological chart prepared on the basis of the exact date of birth and time, and place of birth of an individual.
Kundli is an astrological chart prepared on the basis of the exact date of birth and time, and place of birth of an individual.
Astrologer Shivuji Astrology will help one to get insights and guidance about his time and fortune, of course timely and wise actions can reduce the ill effects and negative impacts and take advantage of the favourable time period.
you can talk to an astrologer and ask them about your relationship, they will only introduce you to ways using which you can better your relationship.
- find Kundli matching as a hurdle in their relationship. Many of them are scared of the questions that would arise if their kundlis don't match and thus find ways to skip the gun milan ritual.
- Astrologer Shivuji gives the details of compatibility. And today these couples tell us how it has all worked fine for them.
- What are the most important parameters in kundli matchmaking?
Kundli matching also helps in finding if the matchmaking will lead to Nandi dosha in the life of the couple. - The matched kundali will have details about how many gunas match and also the goods and harm that can come if the couple in question seek to wed.
- Can I marry if kundli does not match?
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